The Bachelor in Medical Informatics Engineering prepares human resources to meet the information and communication needs of health service units. The graduate in Medical Informatics has a complete view of the information and clinical data path, including their acquisition, processing, management, sharing and storing. Among the skills developed, it is worth mentioning the ability to plan, develop, maintain and evaluate: electronic patient records, telemedicine systems, systems for processing, interpretation and communication of biomedical imaging, systems of medical instrumentation and biological signal analysis, systems of clinical decision support, systems of hospital management and practice, health data networks that support epidemiological studies, websites of information and health services.
Bachelor in Medical Informatics Engineering
Study Plan
Semester Course Units ScA ECTS S1 Imperative Programming CTP 6 S1 Medicine Fundamentals I EI 6 S1 Theory of Electrical Circuits EI 6 S1 Calculus MEst 6 S1 Discrete Mathematics and Linear Algebra MEst 6 S2 Advanced Data Structures CTP 6 S2 Electronics EI 6 S2 Applied Physics EI 6 S2 Medicine Fundamentals II MEst 6 S2 Computer Architecture and Operating Systems HCSO 6 ScA - Main Scientific Area
ECTS – ECTS Credits
Semester: S1 (1st Semester); S2 (2nd Semester): A (Annual)Semester Course Units ScA ECTS S1 Object-Oriented Programming CTP 6 S1 Bioelectricity EI 6 S1 Computer Networks HCSO 6 S1 Biostatistics MEst 6 S1 Data Storage and Access MEst 6 S2 Web Programming CGM 8 S2 Bioinstrumentation EI 6 S2 Systems Analysis and Design EPS 6 S2 Data Communications HCSO 6 S2 Data Base Programming STI 6 ScA - Main Scientific Area
ECTS – ECTS Credits
Semester: S1 (1st Semester); S2 (2nd Semester): A (Annual)Semester Course Units ScA ECTS S1 Artificial Intelligence CTP 6 S1 Management of Health Units GE 3 S1 Time Series Analysis MEst 6 S1 Information Systems Management CTP 3 S1 Clinical Systems Integration STI 6 S1 Electronic Clinical Record STI 6 S2 Processing of Biomedical Image CAR 6 S2 Software Engineering EPS 6 S2 Decision Support Systems STI 6 S2 ScA - Main Scientific Area
ECTS – ECTS Credits
Semester: S1 (1st Semester); S2 (2nd Semester): A (Annual) -
More information
Course Director
Prof. ª Patrícia leite
A3E Accreditation
Status: Accredited
Number of Years Accredited: 6
Publication Date: 12/07/2018
DGES Registration
Status: Registered
Registration Number: R/A-Cr 87/2018/AL01, of 25/01/2023