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Curso Técnico Superior Profissional in Plastics Injection Molding*

The Superior Technical plastics molding Professional injection will be a business developer with practical and theoretical knowledge which will allow you to ensure specific activities within the plant, including: assembly / disassembly of molds and peripherals (other equipment), process preparation injection molding (processing conditions, accommodation of plastic, etc.), regulation and control of different types of injection molding machines, evaluation of defects in molded parts and application of corrective measures operating, statistical process control, application of ISO standards and internal protocols of the Company.

Main Activities: Planning, programming and managing the process of molding plastic injection.

  • Operating and controlling equipment affects the plastic injection process during the production cycle.
  • Apply quality standards, environmental safety and hygiene and health at work, in order to ensure the optimum operation of the job.
  • Interaction with systems (semi) robotic finishing and packaging of goods produced plastic parts.
  • Use injection simulation tools in order to improve and speed up the operation of the man-machine- simulator trinomial.
  • Consult and analyze technical documentation.
  • Servicing of equipment affects the plastic injection process.

* Pending authorization from the General Directorate of Higher Education.



  • O que é um curso TeSP?

    ·         It is a new type of higher education, two years duration that includes six months of internship in a company.

    ·         It confers the Diploma of Professional Technician Superior.

    ·         It is a Level 5 course of the National Qualifications Framework.

  • Razões para tirar um curso TeSP

    ·         Develop specific technical skills to start a professional activity.

    ·         Acquire superior training and immediate integration into a company through a 6-month internship.

    ·         Increase the possibility of finding a job, with higher salary expectations.


  • Destinatários


    Holders of a Level 4 vocational secondary education course.
    Holders of the 12th full year, or legally equivalent qualification.
    Holders of a diploma of technological specialization (CET).
    Holders of a higher education degree who wish to be retrained.

    Candidates approved in M23.
    Candidates with 10th and 11th full years (without upper secondary education completed).
    See here the regulation of the capacity evaluation tests and their references and the conditions of entry into the IPCA TeSP.

    * Candidates with the 12th full year to compete for this Professional Higher Technical Course must have successfully completed the discipline of:

    ** Candidates with the 10th and 11th completed, will have to carry out a capacity assessment test, which will focus on the discipline of:

  • Propina

    650 €, and can be paid in 10 months *.

    * See Social Support.


  • Ação Social

    • Possibility of a scholarship * that can go up to 5,261.42 euros, paid in 10 months.
      (Minimum amount ensures full payment of the bribe)
    • Emergency Fund **
      (Non-refundable purchase of meals, transportation costs and costs of reprography and school supplies)
    • Employee Handbook **
      (Remunerated participation of students in appropriate IPCA activities)
    • Feeding ***
      (Access to meals at social prices)
    • Health services ***
      (Facilitated access to general practice consultations at the Barcelos Health Center and free consultations at the IPCA Psychology Office)
    • Transportation Services ***
      (Exclusive service of Braga-Campus bus of IPCA and Campus of IPCA-Braga, at social prices)

    * Any student can apply for a Study Scholarship.
    ** only for students in a situation of economic need.
    *** available to all IPCA students.

  • Mais informações

    You can get more information about TeSP through the following contacts:

    253 802 206
