A sessão de abertura dos mestrados da EST decorre no próximo dia 11 de novembro, sábado, pelas 10h30, no auditório Engº. António Tavares, do Digital Games Lab, no Campus do IPCA.
A conferência de abertura fica a cargo Professor Doutor João Vilaça, sob o tema “Technologies to augment the information and improve the overall control of surgical theater”.
João L. Vilaça, graduated in Industrial Electronics and Computers at University of Minho, Portugal in 2004. In 2008, he obtained the PhD degree in Industrial Electronics from the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal. During his PhD thesis, he worked on develop of medical devices for automatic modelling/bending of personalized surgical prosthesis. Besides the development of new medical devices for personalized surgical prosthesis, he is currently focused on the development of new human-machine interfaces based on natural user interfaces, and, robotic guided surgery for minimal invasive surgeries. João L. Vilaça is presently head of the beSurg Research Group, member of ICVS/3B’s Associated Laboratory PT, and, head of technology department at School of Technology, IPCA, Portugal.
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